1/4 - Parenting by Profile with Human Design - Notes from The Cartography course
How to use those notes
If you haven’t yet, I’d highly recommend you read the introduction for this collections of notes that is in this post. This is also where you’ll find the index for all the profiles and a gathering of all the notes for each line so you can get a fuller picture for your child’s profile.
✨ Parenting a 1/4 ✨
Practical take-aways from the section :
encourage them to investigate what their mind is grabbed by [1]
preventing fatigue [4th line] and allowing the introspection necessary for creativity [1st line] : they need to be alone
1st and 4th lines need to be left alone
“You get to the 4th line unconscious and it says “Leave me alone”. This is creative aloneness. And it is one of those things that is very healing for the 1/4 is to have its opportunity to live out its creativity alone.
In other words, these are people that cannot be creative in community, it doesn't work for them, they don't belong in communal arts as an example. You know, this is a distinct theme of being deeply creative in your own aloneness.
And, of course, that creativity can add so much depth, you know, we can bring so much richness into the 1/4 life, because after all, they are really here to know something, they're here to grasp something at a deep level, and to be able to put that out into the world.
A lot of that means that because they're a 1st line personality, because they have this chameleon need to be introspective and to get into things, they need time alone.
You know, children in the same room, it's one of those horrors, you know, because there are certain profiles that should never be forced to sleep, grow up sleeping in a room with a sibling. You know, 1/4s have to be left alone. You know, they need to have their own space.
And they need to have their own space from an early point in their life, in order to have that time to be alone to learn to see that in being alone, they get important work done. There are some profiles, for example, 6th line profiles, in which the major part of the work is done much later in life. And there are many profiles where the real work is done early. For the 1/4, this is very important early work.”
1st lines need to be focused early on
“In other words, these are these are children that need to be focused at an early age and focused according to their their nature, obviously, but focused into things that they're encouraged, so that they can really get into them, get really deep in them. And be creative in that so that they can go out there and externalise and feel healthy.”
More on the 1st line children in the 1/3, 4/1, 5/1 sections.
More on the 4th line children in the 2/4, 4/1, 4/6 sections.