Brain cleaning & sensory acuteness feeding

“You see, when you're taking in food correctly into your system, according to what's correct for you, what you're doing is you're cleaning the brain system, you cleaning it, it's the first thing that you're doing.

You're getting rid of all of that stuff that's been fed, that didn't need to be fed, we have, so to speak, obese brains, you know, they've been overfed in areas that they don't use that they don't need, you know, and they're just hanging around and they slow it down.

And everything about dietary regimen is that you're cleaning up the brain system and you're feeding what is your sensory acuteness.

In other words, you're feeding that area of your brain system that is best equipped to be able to take in the phenomena of experience in the world.”

| Ra Uru Hu

| Source - PLL DLR recording from The 16 variable workshop


“Non-energy beings” doesn’t mean not having any energy


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