“Non-energy beings” doesn’t mean not having any energy

“The vast majority of Projectors are Energy Projectors. And Energy Projectors are any Projector that has a defined motor. There still is no defined Sacral, there is no motor connected to the Throat, they’re still Projectors. Yet, they are very, very different; very, very different from the Classic and Mental Projector because they do have defined motors inside of them. The term non-energy type is often confusing, it doesn’t mean that there are Projectors that don’t have energy. There are a lot of Projectors, in fact, the majority of Projectors, that have an enormous amount of energy that has no consistent outlet. And, because of the fact that they have a lot of stored energy that doesn’t have a consistent outlet, they have difficulties physically. This is a whole class of Projectors that rather than being workers, need to be exercisers. In other words, it’s very important for Energy Projectors to work their energy out in a positive way. It’s very important because the energy builds up. And if that energy builds up what you get instead is bursts of energy and crashes.

It’s one of the most common things about being an Energy Projector is that you’re building up energy, building up energy, waiting for the connection. And the moment the connection is there, you have this burst of energy. Now, of course, you’re not designed to consistently release the energy. You’re designed to release the energy in a healthy, inconsistent way, an inconsistent way. Remember, about finding about yourself, finding out about yourself isn’t about changing yourself, it isn’t. It’s about finding who that self is, and accepting it.”

| Ra Uru Hu


The I-Ching was written for the not self


Brain cleaning & sensory acuteness feeding