HD Dating agency would be about the not-self

“True partnership has nothing to do with genetics. But then again, that's just a kind of new age concept because, in fact, the body cannot respond to that. I remember sitting in my kitchen in 1995 and I had a very wealthy, young entrepreneur who had been turned onto HD and wanted to create a worldwide internet HD dating agency. In that era, I was still deeply in the struggle of just maintaining the viability of my own life, just to keep the family going and everything else. This man offered me an enormous amount of money for the rights and for me to design the whole thing. I signed a contract with him and then broke it because I couldn't do it.

It would have been awful because the only way that a dating agency could have been a success is if it was based on not-self bonding. And with not-self bonding I could put couples together, they would be really, really excited for a while anyway, but it had nothing to do with what was correct. And I sat down with him, he was really annoyed with me, and I explained to him that the ideal relationship has nothing to do with the genetic imperative. The genetic imperative is what locks us into our human connectivity. And it locks us into our human not-self connectivity because it's all ruled by the not-self and we're helpless in that. None of us can turn our back if we have a hanging gate, no matter who you are, including me, you have a hanging gate and there's another gate at the other end that you meet, you feel it and it hooks into your whole genetic system because it's the way we're designed."

| Ra Uru Hu


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