On what to eat

We have a great mutative phase that's happening in in our evolutionary process. We all have discussed this- the transformation in 2027, the Rave Children, the transformation of the solar plexus system, the mutation that is taking place in the histidine codon, the mutation that's taking place in both the 49th gate and the 55th gate, though the 55th gate is the primary place for mutation.

When the mutation takes hold in the 49th gate, the channel 19-49, the channel of synthesis will collapse. That collapse will lead to many things. It will lead to a radical change in the viability of the human diet. There is something very important to understand about eating. The stomach is in the ego center.

The only cross-special connection we have that directly connects to the stomach is our cross-special connection with reptiles, fish and birds. The only natural animal, the only natural creature that we are here to take into our bodies, the only ones that we are designed to naturally digest are either reptile, fish or fowl. So, that's something to recognize about the nature of our stomach and the nature of our eating.

The second thing is we have the 19-49. The 19-49 is a mystical channel. It is through this mystical channel that we have one of three cross-special connections to mammals. It is through this channel, the 49th gate of revolution, the gate of the butcher, the gate of sacrifice and the sacrificed, that we have the ritual slaughter of animals. And we have the deification through animism out of the pressure of the 19th gate of these animals into the hierarchy, into a special place of recognition.

The eating of meat is not natural for our stomachs. As a matter of fact, the eating of mammals is only possible when there is the presence of the 40-37, because the 40-37 brings the meat to the stomachs naturally. The only way that meat can be eaten in a healthy way is that if it's eaten in groups.

Yesterday at lunch there was a lot of us eating beef, and there was this huge aura full of 40-37's and the 39-55 energy. Within that context, as ritual, it's correct. For Rave children, Solar Plexus altered children, it will not be possible for them to eat meat. In other words, this will not be an intellectual decision, nor a taste decision. They will simply regurgitate it immediately. They will simply not be able to hold it in their body. They will not be able to use meat.

One of the things to see is that we are going to go through a dietary change. A good idea and a strong recommendation of mine is that you eat meat in the company of others. But fish and fowl-most of you won't eat reptile, though I can recommend snake-is something that is naturally healthy for us, and it is the proper meat to bring into our bodies.

That digression is for a purpose in the sense that we're dealing with food and food recourses. The pleasure principle of the 19th gate is abundance. And out of that Not-Self pleasure of having the recourses of as much food as possible to be secure has come the whole food greed business, with the vast amount of land that has been turned over unproductively to the growing of beef. There is nothing more inefficient, nothing that degrades the soil more than raising beef. It's an enormous waste of land and water. If it weren't for the fact that the prices are outrageous, it would not be profitable.

If you really equated the destruction of the land resources, you would see that in the end it is not profitable at all. But that's another story. We are going in a decline in terms of the usage of meat. We've already seen here in Europe epidemics of diseased animals, because our greed has forced us to raise them in appalling conditions, to feed them in appalling ways in order to be able to satisfy this spiritual greed.

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