All the Projector really has to do is sit back and wait

The golden question for every Projector is "can I be noticed?" Projectors need more than any other Type to understand the power of their aura. The Projector's aura is very specific. It is a bio-energetic field that can be felt across a room, and it is coded to a certain very distinct frequency. Anyone who is not attuned to that specific frequency will never really notice the Projector, and anyone who is attuned to their frequency cannot help but pick them out across a crowded room. The Projector's aura is magical. Not only does it ensure that they will get exactly the right recognition and draw it towards them, but also it serves to protect them. Anyone who is not naturally drawn into the Projector's aura is not going to be healthy for them. All the Projector really has to do is sit back and wait to see who comes forward and who does not.

In Human Design, there is a clear distinction between those who have a design "To do" and those who have a design "To wait". Like the Generator, the Projector has a design to wait, but unlike the Generator, they are not simply waiting to respond. The Projector has to wait for a specific invitation rather than a broad set of energetic responses. Whereas the Generator responds all the time, the Projector only receives invitations once in a while, making their 'style' of waiting very different, and in many ways, much harder. Projectors are waiting for investors to recognize their special skills, and the invitations that are correct for them have to be perfectly tailored to fit their design.

What most Projectors discover when they hear about their Type, is that they immediately resonate to the keyword "invitation". They also get to see that instead of waiting to be invited in life, it is usually they that do all the inviting. In their restlessness and deep insecurity, Projectors tend to treat others the way they themselves should be treated. However, this is not how their mechanics work. The Projector has to understand that if they relax and stay silent, their aura does the talking and soon brings out the invitation of others. When the Projector learns to trust in the silent magic of their chemistry, many opportunities begin to come their way.

The mantra for the Projector is to wait for the formal invitation that is just right for them. That is how their strategy eliminates resistance in life, and this is how their life loses its sourness and finally becomes sweet. Everything else will unfold for them, if they just trust in the mechanical structure of their chemistry.

Ra Uru Hu


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