Mental projectors with an open throat

“Ra : MP reading, head/ajna only

Being a mental projector is a trip, a special trip and being a mental projector that has an open throat is very unique, in the sense that for you to be able to articulate, for you to be able to express all the pressure that's there, because got all this pressure that is sitting there above. When you look at the way in which they describe the strategy and authority for a mental projector and they say that basically there is no authority. No inner authority. It’s not true! But it's something to understand about what happens to somebody like you because you've got for open motors. You got all these open centers. All these open centers have been the conditioning that you have been connected to and addicted to all your life. Because without it, there's this loss. So you are single definition and underneath that you got seven open centers. All those things we've talked about: the getting attention and proving one's worthiness, holding onto things that are good for you and all that stuff.

But you’re a projector. The projector incarnation is very special. Projectors are here to do something that is unique on this plane. That is to be able to guide, without having to lead! That’s something that's very unique. In the past, leading, guiding, they were all mixed up with just getting things done. The manifestor way, do it my way, or you’ll be crushed. The projector way is to be able to communicate. One of things to recognize about the nature of your life is first of all, those people in your life are the most important for you and that, at any given time, you can only deal with one person at a time. Because one person at the time is what you're designed for. Where does truth comes for you? You’ve got a very, very complex mind. It obviously can be deeply influenced by all of that openness. But the most important thing for you in that complex mind is to get out what's there. Now you can only do that through the other and you can only do that through the invitation. You’ve got an open throat, you’ve got an open throat. It means you can't afford to get stuck in wanting to get things out, trying to force things to come out because they don't need to. In the same way that you don't need to make promises. You don't need to. What you need to see is that whoever you are, is going to be recognized by the other. It's those beings who come into your life. It's those beings that invite you, that open up the opportunity for you to communicate. It's out of that communication you get your truth. You cannot know what is correct for you, until through the other, you hear yourself communicate.

Somebody says to you: “would you like to do this thing or that thing.” The secret for you is not about saying yes or no in the moment, because it isn't. The secret for you is about what you say about that thing over time. You always need others as a backdrop to hear your self communicate, because you don't have a fixed way to express yourself. You can see that in your throat. No fixed way. So what that means is that each time that you communicate with somebody, the very things that your processing are going to come out differently because the way you communicate them. So, when somebody asks you something that's important for you in terms of your life, you need to hear yourself talk about it, to several people. Sample! Because at some point the way in which you hear yourself express, whatever your answer is, that's the one that's going to resonate as real truth for you, takes patience. It takes patience and you see one of the things that with your open splenic system. There is this urge in you to really get things now, you know to be in that hurry that's there, you know, wanting to have it all now. But you have to see that the real process for you is one in which you take your time and you sample and you sample yourself, not somebody else.

Those people in your life that are correct for you, that you communicate with. It's not about what they say. So, it's not like you're asking them to give you the answer. It’s so you can talk about what's important for you so you can HEAR what you say. It’s one of the most important things that you're ever going to do in your life, is how much attention you pay to what you say.

I want you all to think about something. The only way that you have a transcendent awareness is when you can actually watch yourself think and communicate. That's really what it's all about. I mean, I know that through my unconscious 43/23 as I'm sitting here and my mouse is working and I'm doing all of this, I'm listening. Because I'm not involved in trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be saying to you. I'm just back here listening.

You have to see that for you. It's a process of listening to yourself. Anything that's important for you, listen to yourself talk about it different times, with different people, before you come to, what is clearly the correct thing for you to do. Then, then you'll be able to have a healthy decision-making process. But your not self, as a projector, you’ve been deeply, deeply conditioned. I mean, you're just lucky. You're young. You have a real chance at the age that you have, to be able to breakout of all of that. But no projector can avoid that. I mean all of that openness, you're going to take in all of that conditioning. You have to see that that can't be the thing that runs your life.

And because you so different, everybody else here is going to have some kind of place within their mechanism to go to for their strategy and authority, you can only work it through your interrelationship with others! So, people in your life, you’re deeply strategic so you have to work that out. The way you get to what's important for you, is you get to it through having the right people there in your life. The right people that you can communicate with because that's what's so important for you. In the end you're here to be a role model. In the end you're here to guide people. You’ve got a very, very powerful, very powerful mind can be very inspiring to other people, but you have to see that for your own decision-making process, how you drive along, how you navigate, that you have to have these opportunities to be able to hear what's in you. To listen to it, not to be caught up in to it. Just to listen to it. That's quite a journey.”

| our dude, Ra Uru Hu


Manifestors - You’re always closed, but not always repelling


Mental Projectors have an authority established through interaction