On open throats not writing the script

“Now when you’re growing up as a kid and you’ve got a defined mind and an undefined Throat, you have a terrible frustration. It’s like anybody who has an undefined mind. That frustration is that the words never come out the way you want them to. You never say what you want, when you want to say it, how you want to say it, because it just doesn’t work that way. Think how frustrating that is.

I tell everybody with an undefined mind or minds that are cut off, don’t write the script. That’s my mantra for them. So what does he do? Gets people to write the script. Then he can feel comfortable in the words that he speaks, because he doesn’t without it because it never comes out the way he wants.

Now if somebody had educated him as to how be a Generator, what the mechanism of a Generator is, he would discover that his own script is the best and his own script is waiting to respond. With his open Throat he has a gift. We’ve seen his gift on film. He can speak in many different ways. He can manifest, look like a Manifestor in many different ways. He understands all that.

The gift of somebody with an undefined Throat is to understand the capacities, to be wise about the nature of the Throat. And the moment he’s waiting to respond is the moment he can take advantage of that undefined Throat and speak clearly. It doesn’t mean he’s going to say things the way he wants to. It certainly doesn’t mean he’s going to say them in the way his mind structures it. But if he speaks out of response, what he says is going to be clear and to the point. Essential to understand that.”

| Ra Uru Hu


The Spleen’s feel-good talents


Homogenization gives you the false illusion that there's somebody else or something else that's going to look after you