A Manifesting Generator Has a Different Strategy

"In looking at energy types, there is a,—I don’t even know how to call it. You could call it a crossover version. We have an awful lot of charts in which the Sacral Center is a motor connected to the Throat and there are endless questions from analysts as to whether this is a Manifestor, or this is a Generator, or exactly how all of that works.

The first thing to recognize about it is that the moment that the Throat is connected to a motor, it is always a Manifestor—always technically. It’s very important to understand that—technically.

However, when the Sacral Center is the motor and it’s connected to the Throat, the Sacral overwhelms in that sense. In other words, the Sacral dominates by its very nature. Now it doesn’t change that person into a Generator. It changes them into a Manifesting Generator. And a Manifesting Generator has a different strategy than either a Manifestor or a Generator.

We know that the Manifestor’s strategy is to eliminate resistance by informing before it acts. It’s the only way that the Manifestor eliminates resistance. The Generator eliminates resistance by waiting to respond.

But for the Manifesting Generator, they play out a Generator-like role. In other words, the Manifesting Generator waits to be asked to use its power. Now by the way, that gives the Manifesting Generator the easiest strategy of the energy types.

In other words, the Manifestor finds it exceedingly difficult to inform anyone of its actions beforehand because it’s been conditioned in its life to know that it’s going to meet resistance. It makes it angry even to think that it has to let somebody else know.

But the Manifesting Generator doesn’t have to go through that. The Manifesting Generator can just wait to be asked to use its power, and instead of responding can immediately manifest."

| Ra Uru Hu


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