The Happy Mess Project

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I don’t “resonate” with (part of) my Variable, why is that? What can I do?

There are two things that can happen here :

You may have the wrong birth time

There are ways to verify how close your birth time is to a threshold with the other parts of the variable. To my knowledge, only Neutrino design allows that kind of information about variable easily accessible. But you can also use your software and check in a few minutes increments (10mn for example, than minute by minute if you see something big changing).

Here are the times that the Sun stays in each part of the variable, so you have a rough idea of the increments you may need to check whatever you’re doubting :

Time in one Line : 22 hours, 7 minutes and 0 seconds - 22×60 + 7 = 1327 minutes or 79,620 seconds

Time in one Color : 1327/6 = 221.17 minutes per Color or 13270 seconds (3.68hrs or ~3 hrs 40mn 48s)

Time in one Tone : 221.17/6 = 36.86 minutes per Tone or 2211.67 seconds

Time in one Base : 36.86/5 = 7.37 minutes per Base or 442.33 seconds

Left or Right Variable is 3 Tones long = 110.58 minutes per Leftness/Rightness (~1hr 50mn 35s)

| Source - Sjef on his website

Some people also request a birth time rectification. Vedic astrologers do this. Although, Sjef also told me he knows for a long time now of people who requested verification from several Vedic astrologers and they came up with several different times. He mentioned that “Kamal Kapoor seems better than the westerners and far cheaper too.”.

James Alexander does it using HD for $250 with an accuracy of “8-15mn, sometimes less”, according to him. (Although, this implies to take into account the second part of this article, since he asks questions to discern this)

You may be in transference

Once one studies variable in depth from the source knowledge, one key to it emerges quite clearly : we only get to access variable when we are correct.

Variable is something that shouldn’t be evaluated as something “we resonate with” unless we have been following our S&A for several years, because we don’t have any access to Colors and Tones until we are correct for quite a while. And even then, lots of people follow their S&A for 10 years until the body is ready for their Determination/“Digestion”, there’s a pace to honor here. And Color never stabilizes on the Personality side (more on this in the nerdy part of the article).

In the mean time, most of us don’t live the ways our color describes most of the time, and even often the opposite, especially for one like Indirect Light since the world conditions us so much to live during the day.

If you don’t resonate at all, it’s perfectly fine, normal even. It may give you very precious intel and is a great piece of awareness. Keep doing whatever you’re doing, once you know the info now, you can start watching how you feel and how your body or mind reacts whether it is supposedly doing what it’s supposed to be doing, or not, you’ll see whatever you need to see about this. This is not prescriptive. This is not performative. This is about consciousness. Your mind will lie and manipulate you about this. (More on this if you want to understand why👇🏼)

Why transference is most often a better explanation for that lack of “resonance” (nerdy time)

We don’t even access color and tone consciously

Human design makes very obvious that most people are in not-self. This is not a dirty word. The not-self doesn’t go away, even when we decondition. The better we are at spotting it, the easier it gets to actually be our unique self. And if not, well, S&A are awesome at making our lives more comfortable. If we don’t get to be our unique self most of the them, it’s still a much better life for us…

But variable is about actual uniqueness. And when we are in not-self, it may even look like variable working the way it’s intended when the mind is looking at it, but it’s not. Especially as “the mind can’t access what below the line” (and variable is only about about what’s below the line).

What that means is that we get to see the impact on the surface of variable, but believing we are easily aware of our variable is our mind bullshitting us. A bit like we may see ripples and bubbles on the surface of murky water, that doesn’t mean we can see what animal makes them. Mindy can guess, and she absolutely will and will tell you she knows, that’s still guessing, stop falling for the illusion Mindy knows shit about you and your experience. Correctness will teach you this is not what she’s here for nor what she’s good. The mind is for the other. Let her guess and evaluate, just take it as potential info rather than truth if you want an actual chance at correctness.

We’re in transference most of the time

Then, there’s something else. A big part of variable, the color, transfers. What that means is that wether we speak about your Determination/“Digestion”, your privileged Environment, your Motivation or your Perspective, when we’re in not-self, that’s not how we operate. Even more than the rest of the chart, Variable is much more a potential than “how we work”.

So when we’re in not-self (especially during the whole first 7 years cycle), and again, I can’t emphasize enough how this is most of the time and how powerful it is to watch it that way once the mental and ego tantrums overcome, color shifts to something we can use as a precious signpost : transference.

Transference works in harmonics, meaning when your color is 1 you transfer to 3, 2-5, 3-6, and vice versa. Want to actually get to access your variable? Start by learning how to spot your transference. For years, only spot that. This is one of the most transformative piece of Human design for me and many others around me.

I spent decades jonesing for rooftops when my Valleys are about being on the ground floor, now (year 6) I barely want to leave the ground floor ever but I still fantasize about great views. I spent decades obsessed with cooking and mixing flavors, my Appetite is all about eating one ingredient at a time, now mixed food mostly tastes like mashed cardboard. I spent (still do) my whole life wanting to change the world around me and take the lead on things, this is my Desire transference. I spent my whole life obsessed with leadership, who’s leading, who’s following and why. This is my Power view.

On the design side, we get to stop the transference from happening by staying in quite a long time in our actual color (I’m clearly not there given I still eat everyday partially complex). On the Personality side, we never do stop transfering no matter what, it will see-saw between our true Motivation and our transference, between our true Perspective/View and our distraction (the name for this specific transference). So it’s even more illusory to believe we can be mostly “correct;y motivated and seeing”. Maybe more on this one day. For now, that’s enough.
